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February 2008

"Let's go fly a kite..."
At the park after school one breezy day...

Sock puppet!
Out of the blue one morning, Kaira asked if we could make a puppet... one old sock, a few buttons, and a little yarn later, our sock puppet was born.

They had a Fire Safety demonstration at the library that I took Kaira and Lokei too. They got to meet the fireman, listen to a talk on fire safety, climb through the fire truck, and check out all the equipment the firemen use. They also got to check out the lights and sirens on the truck (that would be the picture of Kaira covering her ears). They each got firehats and coloring books, and we also checked out some books about firefighters to take home and read later.

After we got home from the fire safety demonstration, I let the girls make cookies. I gave them dough in about 5 different colors, plus a tray of assorted things to use as decorations - choc. chips, cheerios, M&M's, sprinkles, etc. This was something my mom used to let us do as kids that we always loved, and Kaira & Lokei loved it just as much. I even sat down with them and made a few cookies of my own. There are some pictures of them making the cookies, and a few of the finished products right before they went into the oven (the trays from left to right are Kaira's, Lokei's, and mine).